P E T E R R O T H B L A T T, C M T
P E T E R R O T H B L A T T, C M T
B​ O D Y W O R K & M A S S A G E​​
B​ O D Y W O R K & M A S S A G E​​
Bring Bodywork and Massage in​to your Life!
If you work, play, jog, exercise, practice yoga, walk, swim... then your body needs and appreciates maintenance and care.
Bodywork and massage can address: muscle tightness, joint range of motion issues, recovery from athletic exertion, repetitive stress injuries and repetitive non-motion (too much time at the computer screen). It can release and move anxieties and other negative emotions that manifest in the body. Massage can also be used in a holistic manner to experience deep relaxation of the body/mind, enabling you to be more fully present in your life.
I provide integrative bodywork and massage to deal with aches and pains, acute or chronic injuries and the stresses of daily life. When our bodies are functioning optimally, we enter the world with more energy, creativity and capacity to be who we want to be. I can help you get there.
Mon.,Tues., Fri. : 9:30AM - 6:30PM
Bernal Heights Location:
555 Holly Park Circle, San Francisco, CA 94110
To schedule: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/PRB865Z
Contact Information: peterrothblatt@icloud.com, 415.845.0678